Fas Turbo Flow - Logo - Wężowy aparat oddechowy świeżego powietrza

Fresh Air System Turbo Flow

Fresh airline breathing apparatus

FAS Turbo flow - Wężowy aparat oddechowy świeżego powietrza Dmuchawa

The FAS Turbo Flow fresh airline breathing apparatus is a gear which supplies clean breathing air from a safe area to the user.

FAS Turbo flow - Wężowy aparat oddechowy świeżego powietrza Praes pl


  • working in confined spaces
  • working inside tanks, cisterns
  • operation in any place where there is a risk of lack of oxygen
  • utilisation and dismantling of asbestos
  • thermal insulation and sealing of buildings using PUR foam spraying
  • maintenance and continuity of machinery operation
  • grinding, working in dusty environments
  • welding – using the welding adapter for full the mask
  • use by people with visual impairments – using an adapter for corrective lenses for full a mask

Features and benefits:

  • Easy to use – intuitive use of the system even by inexperienced users
  • Solid and highly durable construction
  • Unlimited resources of air supplied to users
  • A comfortable and large transport case that can accommodate a system for two users with air supply hoses of 30 meters
  • Mobility of the device – easy transport with a comfortable and grippy handle
  • Easy to maintain
  • Functionality 100% 100%
  • effectiveness 100% 100%

Turbo flow blower

The gear is available with the Turbo Flow turbine. The gear can deliver air at a maximum distance of 30 metres per one airline user. Connecting two airlines to the Turbo Flow turbine allows two users to work at the same time, with the maximum of 30 metre of the airline per user. The airlines can be interconnected with a hose connector in any configuration up to a maximum length of 30 meters.


Safe work

The special design of the internal glasses for the breathing apparatus full face mask allows the personnel in need of prescription lenses to work safely and comfortably.


Special welding adapter

The FAS Turbo Flow gear enables welding work while wearing the airline breathing apparatus. The welding adapter dedicated to the breathing apparatus full face mask and the flame-retarding double airline cover helps protect against damage from high temperatures and sparks.

FAS Turbo Flow Set

The set includes a blower for one user

Turbo Flow turbine 9001
Double air hose for full face mask9002
Belt with hose connector9003
10 metre air supply hose9004
20 metre air supply hose9005
Air supply hose connector9006
Storage case9009
Non-flammable cover for double air hose9010
Full face mask9011
Inner spectacle frames for the full face mask 9012
Full face mask cover9013
Welding adapter for full face mask9014

More about the product

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Approvals and certificates:

    • PN-EN 138:1994
    • CE 1437

    PRAES Spółka z o. o.

    ul. Karola Szajnochy 18/20
    85-738 Bydgoszcz